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Trippies Gaming

What is Trippies Gaming?

In the heart of the Caribbean lies the enchanting Trippie Island, a haven shrouded in mystery and magic. Amidst lush tropical landscapes and crystal-clear waters of Trippie Island, thrives an industry as vibrant as the island itself – the production of the legendary Trippie Brew. This elixir is more than just a beverage; it's a celebration of the Trippies.


How it Works

  • 1

    Sign Up

    Create your Trippies Gaming account and join our community

  • 2

    Register for a Tournament

    Browse upcoming tournaments and secure your spot

  • 3

    Get Paired

    Match with opponents and prepare for competition

  • 4

    Win & Advance

    Compete, win matches, and climb the tournament bracket

Upcoming Tournaments

Featured Tournament



Starts in 2 weeks


  • 1. Batman
