Welcome to another HLX Tournament!
Streaming is
Required for this tournament!
-No onside kicks before half time
-If someone disconnects from the match before its finished, do not wait for the admin. Remake the game, and recreate the conditions before the DC as best (AND AS QUICKLY) as possible. Score, Time, Ball Position, and Ball possession. If you delay or try to change the re-make process you will be disqualified. Communicate with your opponent exactly how you intend on remaking.
Attention: Check-in will begin 1 hour before the tournament starts on this page! If you would like to receive text reminders, update your phone number in
Your Profile
The following teams are BANNED: Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Oregon and Texas.
This tournament will be REGS!
Please use the chat on the brackets page to create the match with your opponent. When the brackets are available, simply click on your name to enter the chat.
Please see the rules tab above for more information.