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MS Yankees Fortnite Tournament

Hosted by: MS Yankees

Game Mode
MS Yankees
Bracket Type
Battle Royale
Login to participate.


Opens: 2/26/2025 07:01 PM ET (one month ago)
Closes: 3/7/2025 07:40 PM ET (21 days ago)
Registration is Closed


Opens: 3/7/2025 06:00 PM ET (21 days ago)
Closes: 3/7/2025 06:55 PM ET (21 days ago)
Check-In is Closed


Custom Keys will be given out at 6:50 pm EST (5:50 pm CST), 10 minutes before the tournament starts. We cannot give out codes any sooner to ensure the lobby is stable.

DISCORD IS REQUIRED. Use the Blue Discord button above to join. If you need Fortnite Roles, use the #game-select channel or ping an admin.

Please read below carefully, as it contains important information to enable you to compete.


Game Mode: Battle Royal
Lobby: Private
Region: NA-East
Rounds: 6
We strongly encourage screenshots of each round, placement and kills!. TO's will record your scores, but we are not immune to mistakes.

How to Join a Custom Lobby:
1: Go to Settings>Game>Language and Region>Matchmaking Region> and select NA-EAST. You will get an error if you do not set your region to NA-East
2: Choose "Battle Royal" (not ranked)
3: In the lobby, scroll down again until "Custom Key" shows up. Enter the Custom Key given to you in Discord 10 minutes before tournament start time!!! NO SOONER.
    -Important: Custom Lobby codes will be given out via Discord (click the blue "Discord" button above), OR text message. If you would like to receive the code via text, make sure your contact information is updated in Your Profile.
4: Press "Play" and wait for the match to begin!
5: Repeat for all 6 rounds

Use this video if you are still unsure how to join:

How to Join Fortnite Custom Lobbies

1st: 15 Points
2nd: 12 Points
3rd: 10 Points
4th: 8 Points
5th: 7 Points
6th: 6 points
7th: 5 points
8th: 4 points
9th: 3 points
10th: 2 points
11th-15th: 1 point
15th+ 0 points

Eliminations: 1 points


1st Place: New PS5
2nd: 5,000 VBucks