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PlayBowl 2024 Grand Finals

Tournament Rules

Tournament Day:
On the day of the tournament, you might be unsure of what to do. Tournament moderators will be there to help, but here is a general overview of what to expect.

Violating any of these rules will result in an immediate ban from the tournament for the entire team, ban from all future HLX and SharePlay tournaments, and forfeiture of all past tournament winnings.

There are no "warnings", no second chances will be given, and no appeal process. By entering this tournament, you have agreed to these terms and conditions.

Before tournament start time, you will get the custom lobby code via text and in the SharePlay discord server. Please be sure the contact information you provided  on the SharePlay website is accurate, and you have the proper roles in the SharePlay Discord server. Only the team captains need to do this, it is their responsibility to give their teammates the code.

DO NOT LEAK LOBBY CODES ON STREAM OR ANYWHERE ELSE. This is a private lobby code. If you leak lobby codes, you could be removed from the tournament.

This is a closed tournament, and tournament lobby codes are not public. Please do not share them with anyone. Lobby codes will be given to the team captains ONLY! You must be in the SharePlay Discord Server to get codes. Each team captain should have access to their respective group code channels. If you do not have access to the channel, reach out to a tournament moderator.

If you have any questions during the tournament, you may contact the tournament moderators via Support Tickets in the Discord, or raise a dispute on the website.

Player Conduct:
HLX is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all of its competitors. All players are expected to display Good Sportsmanship, Respect, and Competitive integrity while participating in this event, or any affiliated events, and while communicating on any official Hyperluxe Gaming platforms.

Streaming Guidelines
Streaming is required
Clean, non-obstructing overlays must be used. This includes images, videos, or stream integrations.
No Stream Alerts
No Music
No excessive profanity
Adhere to the HLX community guidelines at all times while streaming

Anyone over 180 ping will be removed from the tournament

Apex Legends Rules:
Any of the following will result in immediate removal from the tournament
  • Kill Farming (Intentionally leaving 1 player alive and providing a respawn beacon to the enemy)
  • Teaming (Working with anyone outside of your team)
  • The use of Cronus Zen or other hardware that provides an unfair advantage
  • The use of configs for movement
  • Stream Sniping, or using outside information to gain knowledge of team's location/status
  • The use of any 3rd party software that provides an unfair advantage
  • Receiving any type of help from an outside source (someone not in the tournament)
  • Game exploits, anything outside of the intended game mechanics
  • Targeted griefing in order to provide other teams an advantage (also considered teaming)
  • Lobby code Dox'ing

    In addition, players must meet the following requirements to be eligible to compete:
  • Minimum level of 100
  • At least 200 games played combined in the last 2 seasons
  • Must be in the SharePlay Discord server

    Any list provided is not exhaustive and is growing. Tournament Administration reserves the right to remove competitors for reasons not outlined below if they feel it is harmful to the quality of the tournament or the Hyperluxe Gaming brand. Additionally, players must adhere to the game's Code of Conduct/TOS as well as EA's Code of Conduct/TOS. Failure to do so could result in removal/ban from events.

    Tournament Moderators may issue warnings, but warnings are never required. Ban appeals are allowed, but proof must be required to elevate the issue.

  • Cursing (with harmful intent)
  • Sexism
  • Racism
  • Homophobic/Transphobic remarks
  • Taunting
  • Bullying
  • Lewd/NSFW remarks or posts

    Reminders will be sent to your preferred contact method before the tournament. All players are required to be present at the tournament start time and be ready to enter their matches. Brackets will be available shortly after the tournament start time.

    The official communication platform for HLX tournament support is the HLX website (where you currently are) via the chat feature, OR the official HLX Discord, which can be accessed here:

    HLX Official Discord

    Players have up to 5 minutes after the tournament start time to join the lobby. If no contact is made, the tournament will begin without you.

    Lobbies will not be remade for random DC's, unless at least 5 players from the lobby disconnect.

    Winners will be paid by SharePlay via their PlayStudio and Stripe Accounts. HLX is not responsible for any payouts, contact SharePlay for support.

    These rules are a general outline of the standard players are expected to maintain at all times during HLX events and while communicating on the HLX platforms. Moderators reserve the right to interpret these rules how they feel best upholds the HLX Community Guidelines, which may vary from the rules listed above. All players have the right to ban appeals, if you would like to appeal a ban, contact the tournament moderator who issued the ban and they will elevate the issue.

    Note: Tournament Moderators will not intervene for disputes regarding

    Gentleman's Agreements