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RISE Rocket League Tournament

Hosted by: RISE Gaming Academy

Tournament Rules

Tournament Day:

On the day of the tournament, you might be unsure of what to do. Tournament moderators will be there to help, but here is a general overview of what to expect.

Check in for this tournament will take place at the venue upon arrival. Venue staff will be able to direct you to where Check-In is taking place. You will receive a lanyard and badge with important information on the back of it.

You will be assigned a group, and that group will have an approximate start time and a location of play. Please arrive to your assigned location before your group start time to ensure you can compete.

Once your match is complete, you will report the results to the tournament moderators present in the venue. Depending on your results, you may be playing again later. Brackets will be updated live at the event, please check back after your match to see your next start time and location.

Player Conduct:

HLX is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all of its competitors. All players are expected to display Good Sportsmanship, Respect, and Competitive integrity while participating in this event, or any affiliated events, and while communicating on any official HLX platforms.

Any list provided is not exhaustive and is growing. Tournament Administration reserves the right to remove competitors for reasons not outlined below if they feel it is harmful to the quality of the tournament or the HLX brand. Additionally, players must adhere to the Rocket League/Epic Games TOS/Code of Conduct. Failure to do so could result in removal/ban from events.

Tournament Moderators may issue warnings, but warnings are never required. Ban appeals are allowed, but proof must be required to elevate the issue.

  • Cursing (with harmful intent)
  • Sexism
  • Racism
  • Homophobic/Transphobic remarks
  • Taunting
  • Bullying
  • Lewd/NSFW remarks or posts


    For live events, the official communication methods are through venue staff and tournament moderators.

    The official communication platform for HLX tournaments is the HLX website (where you currently are) via the chat feature, OR the official HLX Discord, which can be accessed here:

    HLX Official Discord

    Game Settings:

    Game Mode: Soccar
    Arena: Random
    Team Size: 3
    Difficulty: No Bots
    Region: Local
    Joinable By: Name/Password
    Best of: 1


    Players have up to 15 minutes after their  scheduled start time to report to their assigned location. If contact cannot be made, notify the tournament moderator to properly advance your spot on the bracket or award you a win in a ladder tournament.


    After winning a tournament, HLX has up to 7 days to disperse tournament winnings. However, payment will usually be sent within 24 hours. HLX covers fees to send payment, but be aware that depending on the amount being sent, you could be paying fees as well. Any  payment related questions should be directed to HLX staff. For non-monetary payouts, HLX will connect you with the party responsible for prizing. HLX is not responsible for any prizes promised that are not listed in the prize section of this page.


    These rules are a general outline of the standard players are expected to maintain at all times during HLX events and while communicating on the HLX platforms. Moderators reserve the right to interpret these rules how they feel best upholds the HLX Community Guidelines, which may vary from the rules listed above. All players have the right to ban appeals, if you would like to appeal a ban, contact the tournament moderator who issued the ban and they will elevate the issue.

    Note: Tournament Moderators will not intervene for disputes regarding

    Gentleman's Agreements